Managing the house as a place of work, study and rest

The well-being within the environment where you live in is that condition generated by a multiplicity of factors related to space that not only guarantee not to harm the health of the people who frequent a given place, but which directly or indirectly increase the sensation of well-being. The house is the place that should have these characteristics above hall.
During 2020, due to the restrictions imposed for the control of contagions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, most workers and families faced the need to convert their places of rest and recreation into workstations, with all the pros and cons that this situation has brought with it.
The mixture of these two aspects, usually separated in everyday life, together with the need for families to find a station for each young member for the distance learning, has generated in many cases considerable inconvenience and has not favored the perception of living and psychological well-being.
Although this situation may be temporary (and hopefully it is), however, it is necessary to remember that it is recommended that the place dedicated to work meets certain standards that promote productivity and do not harm health. At the same time, it is necessary to find a balance with the well-being of the family, dedicating space and attention to all the members of one’s family.


The basic actions that can be taken must have a holistic dimension, including a broad spectrum of factors, and can be:

– Pursue a functional subdivision of the internal environments, guaranteeing each one’s own spaces for both rest and work or study.

It is not always easy to find dedicated spaces for everyone, especially inside apartments. However, there may be some minimal intervention – even temporary – actions in space management that can help in this regard.

– Internal temperature and humidity control.

Proper management of heating systems, heat dispersion and energy efficiency in general favor the internal environmental comfort and a correct microclimate.

– Ensure proper air exchange.

Having the correct level of oxygen in the air inside the rooms favors both physical and brain activities and prevents the transmission of diseases by air vector. A correct control of the air exchange can be done both through the application of some behavioral rules, such as opening the windows for an optimal length of time and at a precise moment of the day, and through the control of the openings, to guarantee a correct exchange of air volumes between the outside and the inside.

– Chromotherapy, lighting and perception of space.

Chromotherapy, or the use of color to favor or generate certain sensations, the control of internal lighting through lighting technology and a correct arrangement of spaces and furnishings that help the perception of the environments and their use as well as the relationship with the external environment, with the possibility of using some practices related to professional Feng Shui, are actions that can be easily implemented at limited costs to promote the well-being of individuals.

– Check the origin, treatment and composition of the furnishings and building materials used in the house.

There are laws that regulate the characteristics of furniture products: precise European standards set the health standards of the various materials that make up the household furnishings (for example, the glues used must not exceed a certain level of formaldehyde emission).
The European Regulation n. 305/2011 / EC imposes the mandatory CE marking on all those products, materials and kits intended to be permanently incorporated in construction works or in parts of them and whose performance affects the output of the construction works themselves.

– Acoustic comfort of the rooms.

Through adequate soundproofing, both from the outside and from the inside of a building, and a control of reverberations and of the arrangement of the sources of noise disturbance, such as systems, it is possible to improve the acoustic comfort of the rooms and favor a correct carrying out the work, study and rest activities of each family member, without harming each other’s health or well-being.

– Compliance, safety and efficiency of the plants.

A correct functioning of the systems and their efficiency leads not only to obtaining better control of consumption and therefore an economic saving, even substantial, but also to avoiding possible side effects related to fortuitous domestic accidents or to conditions of continuous danger. In addition, it helps to cope with the excessive demand for daytime energy needs that every family has had to face having to spend a greater number of hours at home than in the pre-pandemic condition.

Smartworking Covid-19

Hyper STP has professionals who are experts in living well-being and holistic design, with particular attention to environmental, social and economic sustainability. Within its heterogeneous team, Hyper also includes certification experts according to the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) international protocol and experts in the field of italian tax and ministerial contributions.

Sometimes a few tricks may be enough to have significant benefits in terms of comfort and well-being, which could fall into the categories favored by one or more of the bonuses for renovations or energy efficiency promoted by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development. For example: restructuring bonus with 50% deductions; mobile bonuses with 50% deductions; Eco-bonus with deductions up to 65%; Sismabonus, with deductions of up to 65%; Superbonus, with deductions up to 110%.

Hyper STP professionals are available for technical, technical-specialist and financial advice in order to implement those actions that can lead to a significant increase in your living well-being.

Highway bridge inspections
Pictures by (Ph. Vlada Karpovich – Ken Tomita – Marc Mueller)

Arch. Sara Basile – Eng. Giuseppe Salamone

Editorial Staff

Nicoletta Sadun

Sara Basile

Giovanna Padellaro

Marco Biagiotti